SketchUp For Schools

SketchUp for Schools is a free online program. SketchUp for Schools is a 3D Modeling program that has great tools to make whatever creation you'd like. There are tools like tape measure or zoom extents that are really helpful but aren't thought about commonly. The tape measure tool is basically a tape measure but it's really helpful when you don't want to have to create a line. The zoom extents tool is used for if you're zoomed in/out to where you can no longer see your creation. If the tool is pressed it will take you to your creation. Basically it zooms you in/out to the size of your drawing. Tools like these are really helpful and SketchUp provides them to students to learn how to use softwares like and more advanced than the program. SketchUp for schools has a payed version, if you go to the actual website, (The website for Sketchup, not for schools.) You can pay money for more advanced tools that aren't in SketchUp for schools. If you don't want to pay $100+ then the free version would be a good replacement. There are also Sketchup alternatives like Archicad, AutoCAD, and lastly Revit.

My Stacked Cubes

Eye-Balled Stacked Cubes

This was the warm-up for transitioning to SketchUp from the adobe programs. I was going to stack the cubes the mathematical way but at the time I did not know that I just needed to move the cubes 2', 5".

Mathematical Stacked Cubes

I had finally decided that I wanted to try to figure out the way to stack the cubes mathematically. It turned out to be really easy because all I had to do was move each squares for example: I needed to move the second cube (Bottom second) 25' upwards so that way it would be right on the bottom cube.

My Simple House

UNPAINTED Simple House

This is my unpainted simple house. I made a few extra details that are small, but I have been trying to figure out to make a decent sized plant holder.

Painted Simple House

The textures I used are all the basic SketchUp textures. I did have to do a lot of messing around with the textures to make it look realistic.

Simple House Dimensions

These are the dimensions for the simple house!! (Image is from

These are the dimentions for the simple house. At the beginning of the 3d modeling unit I had no clue that ' meant feet and that " meant inches. I remember spending a good 5ish minutes trying to figure out what words like offset meant. At that time the "Beginning simple house" videos were on a plus page for those who finished the cubes.

Proof that there are 2 cubes!

I decided that I would add this panel to prove that I actually made 2 stacked cubes because I didn't like how they look so similar. On the left is the mathematical stacked cube, and on the right is the eye-balled stacked cube.

My Simple House (Blender Version)

240214 Simple House 10 Second Spin 100% - Jazmyn Gloria0001-0300.mp4

My Simple House (Blender Version)

To make the video, I first had to upload my house into Blender. To do that, I had to go to SketchUp, and make sure my house was grouped, and that there was nothing wrong with it. I then had to press Export, and then Collada. Collada is basically DAE., which is what we need for Blender. After that you will have to wait around 30 seconds to a minute. After that you will again press export, but instead of pressing Collada, you will press Status Dashboard. From here you can see all of your imports/exports. Since what we are doing is exports, you would press the download button. If you put textures on your model, a ZIP folder will be created. There should be two files. One has all the textures, and the other has your actual model. If you have a folder dedicated to these types of files, you MUST move these files together (In a pair). The two files will also come with the same random name. You don't want to rename EITHER of the files. If you do end up accidently renaming one of the files, you might be able to ctrl z. If that does not work you might have to repeat the process. Once the two files have been moved without anything going wrong, you can then go into Blender. Before, or after you go into Blender  you should make a folder dedicated to the final project files. I recommend naming this folder output or Blender videos, (Something along those lines) I would also put this folder inside of your Blender folder. For example: You're my favorite things video. The only difference would be the fact that it would be for Blender videos only. Once you've done that you can now officially start Blender. If you have a startup folder, or have already change the settings to your liking, you can ignore this next step. If you don't have a startup folder/settings, you can use the one Mr.Hicks made on week 23.

My Model - Sketch Up version

My Model Unpainted

This is my unpainted model, when I made this I had tried making a nonagon, but I had trouble getting the amount of sides to change. I had gone a little crazy with lines on the base, I didn't have a reference; so I winged most of it. When I made the "stair steps" It had taken me awhile to get the trapezoids to raise to the height I wanted, because I had done the lowest/shortest one first, it kept on locking me so I ended up having to do a lot of push/pulling. I made the shape in the middle by taking a heptagon and scaled it, it ended up doing this weird curvy thing. For the little divot area that takes up about half of the model, I was just messing around the with push/pull tool when I decided I wanted to make the divot. The other steps were easy to make, but were super hard to color.

My Model - Painted Version

My model - Painted

This is my painted model, when I was painting, I had done something (I don't remember exactly what happened) and ended up having to completely repaint my model. It ended up working out because I had picked colors that I liked better. I didn't change anything besides the colors, but I do believe that it looks better than it had before.

My Model - Old Painted Version

This was how my model had looked before I had to recolor it. I do not like how the blue and yellow look together when they are this shade. I had been told to make my colors brighter, but when they got this bright they started looking like I did the random color challenge. I do think that I would've changed the colors, but I'm happy that the blue, gray, and yellow were changed to better shades, or just overall color.

My Model - Blender Version & Video

240305 Model Animation 10 Second - Jazmyn Gloria.mp4

My Model ~ the Video

This is the video I made in Blender, I made the model in SketchUp and exported it to Blender, I ended up having to export it a couple of times because I was having trouble getting it to work. One of the times had been because I needed to make a completely different video because I wasn't doing it the way Mr.Hicks had wanted. But The video doesn't look too bad. I like how the video goes from being fast to being slower, because originally we had to make a 3-second video; and then do the same thing but extend it to 10-seconds. This made the first 3 seconds really fast, but the last 7 seconds go slower and smoother. You can see this in the video if my explanations don't make any sense. I also like how I keyframed the camera, before I had made this video the one I was experimenting on had started at the top; and then went down. It ended up looking kinda weird so I am glad that I changed that aswell.

My Model - Adobe After Effects & Adobe Premiere Pro

240325 Composted Exported Video - Jazmyn Gloria.mp4

My Model ~ Premiere & After Effects (Adobe & I also used bridge)

I made this video in After Effects and Adobe Premiere Pro (I also used Adobe bridge.) I took my Blender video and imported it, then I copied that, and left a gap inbetween. The gap had to be there so I could ripple delete and they would be right next to each other. Then I copied those 2 to make my full animation. I then right clicked the second and fourth animation and selected speed/duration. Then I just pressed reverse. This made it look like I actually had made a 40 second video with my model just repeating the spin. Then I went to After Effects and started a new composition. Then you want to make a new solid, a better explanation and video is linked here ---> This thingy, This one, and last one! These videos were made by Mr.Hicks who is my MultiMedia teacher at Data. He doesn't make the stars until the 2nd video, but he explains everything better than me just writing a bunch of words.