Welcome to my Tech Apps page! This is where I put all of the Google Drawings that I made in Tech Apps. It's all very exciting to look at!

EC002 Vector Art Portrait

This is an extra credit assignment I worked on where you drew vector art of anything school appropriate. I chose to draw my mom, and I'm actually pretty proud of how it turned out! I've heard people criticize parts of it, but it doesn't really matter to me either way.

014 Google Drawing Header

This is the header that I made for an assignment where you wrote a pretend news story on a topic. It shows pngs of things from the game Valorant next to the words "Valorant Newsletter." Although my Valorant phase wasn't my proudest moment, I do still think that this turned out decent.

EC004 Spelling UIL Flyer 

EC004 Math UIL Flyer

EC004 Social Studies UIL Flyer

EC004 Chess Puzzle UIL Flyer

The images above are all part of an extra credit assignment that I worked on where you had to create various flyers for different UILs. They all turned out alright, nothing too interesting about them.


This the Google Drawing I made to give examples of different expectations at DATA Ed White. There's not much else to say. :/ 

008 Partner PSA

This is the Google Drawing I shared with Anissa Gutierrez. We each added elements from our SOAR PSAs and molded them into this.

009 Recreate Practice 4

This is the Google Drawing where I recreated an image of a graphic organizer for an assignment.

009 Recreate Practice 3

This is the other Google Drawing where I recreated an image of another graphic organizer for the same assignment.

Google Drawings Practice

This is the very first Google Drawing that I ever created. I answered a couple of questions and wrote what I learned and then I was finished.

Using GD 1 Practice

This is another one of my oldest Google Drawings. You can obviously tell by the... interesting... looking raccoon that I created.

010.1 GD Test

This is the Google Drawing I created for the 010 test that we took. I recreated the original image and got the highest score you could, so I guess I did good.