Welcome to "My Favorite Things" page! This is where I put everything I worked on in my "My Favorite Things" project. Come take a look! 

231027 My Favorite Things - Chase Comeaux (FINAL).mp4

Here is my final version of the "My Favorite Things"   video.

 I hope you like it!

To make this title,  I used complementary colors to create contrast in the text and background. 

To make this title, I wanted to make the background a rainbow gradient, because I thought it would represent the different seasons. For the text, I used a light blue, as well as a Stroke to make it pop out more.

For this title, I had to be very careful with what tools I used because the colors of the text and background are very similar.  Therefore, I used Bevel and Emboss and Stroke to make the text pop out more.

For this title, I really wanted to make the text look like cheese. So I used the Segoe Script font, as well as Bevel and Emboss to make it look more "cheesy." For the background I used a red and pink gradient, because those are apparently the colors that can make you feel hungry.

Now that you've seen the titles, let's take a look at some images, shall we?