Welcome to my Android Apps Page! This is where I put everything I worked on in my 240401 App Inventor Project Folder, which is pretty much all about the app that I worked on during April and May. I hope you enjoy!

App QR Code

If you're using an Android device, you can scan this to download the app I'll be showing below! I'm very proud of how it turned out, even if I didn't do everything that I wanted to. 

Home Screen (Screen1)

The home screen is the first thing you see when you open the app, so I knew that it had to be pretty. My friend, Lizzy, would often poke fun at me for making it so "aesthetic." I spent so long trying to find appealing colors; it probably took longer than it took to actually code the page.

Hello Hamster (Hello_Codi)

This was the first screen that we worked on technically when we were doing the Hour of Code project a couple days before we worked on this app. The page shows a hamster that you can press to have it make a noise. 

Talk To Me (Talk_to_Me)

Talk To Me was a page that I remember toying around with a lot in class. A bit too much, if you ask Mr. Hicks (and anyone else around me.) It consisted of simple text to speech and   shake sensor components. A great page overall, in my opinion.

Ball Bounce (Ball_Bounce)

Here's a fun one! Ball Bounce is a little game where you fling a ball across the screen and watch it bounce off the walls. Like most of the other pages, the coding was pretty straightforward, so there isn't much for me to talk about. I just added a ball and coded it to be able to be flung and bounce off walls.

Digital Doodle/Paint Pot (Digital_Doodle)

Whew! This page was a LOT. Definitely the screen that I had the most fun with, though. I love all the features that I got to add to it even if the videos felt like a long task to get through. I do like how easy the videos make everything, though. Anyway, this whole page is super entertaining to me with everything on it and I often find myself just messing around with it at home. If I had to pick a favorite feature, it would be the camera button.

About Me (About)

To create the About screen, all I had to do was take the paragraph from my About page on my portfolio and make the font big enough that you could scroll through. It was a nice and easy screen that I went through smoothly.