Welcome to my Tech Apps page where I show you my typing skills and LOADS of vector art.


This is my average typing speed and Accuracy (I know its not the best but I'm working on it. Another thing that you might not know is that the reason I have this on my page is because we take typing test usually once every two weeks and even  though I'm not very good I still though it was worth including. 

Vector Art and Designs

008 Partner PSA

This is one of the first vector art projects we did of the year and i did this PSA project with Jazmyn Gloria. This was a PSA for our SOAR expectations.

ELIZABETH AGUIRRE - 014 Newsletter Project [due Thurs 11/9]

014 Newsletter Project

This is the 014 newsletter project that i did on the topic of Phineas And Ferb. I had a lot of fun creating it and I hope all of my fellow fans will appreciate it.

042 PSD header 

This is a header that I had to make for the 042 Assignment with a gradient background, clipping masks, and background remover. It was a very fun and simple project.

EC002 Vector Art Project

For this Extra credit assignment I made a vector art portrait of a little dog, and it turned out okay. I definitely think I could do better now but you can still enjoy it.

049 Colorize Assignment

For this assignment it is actually the last assingment of the year where we were tasked with takinga black and white photo of our choice. Then using the skills we have learned in Photoshop, we colorize the photo. In fact Mr. Gonzalez liked mine so much he made it the exaple for people to compare to! The images you see here is the before and after color. For the process I used first the AI colorize filter and then used the tools listed on the final image to give the final completed look.

Overall I think my final project of the year was a great success.

And that's all!