Welcome to my 3D Models page! This is where all of the thing I made in Sketchup and in Blender. Hope you enjoy!

Cubes; This is the first thing we created in Sketchup and it was called our 'Cubes" project. It taught me how to use some very cool tools such as, the line tool, the rectangle tool, and the push pull tool.

EXTRA: Some people did stack their cubes as an extra but I did not have enough  time to do so (Don't come for me)


Unpainted House; This is the Unpainted house that I created in Sketchup. We had many weeks and tutorials to follow and a little space for some creative freedom to make them our own. I would list everything that we did but instead i'll list these specific guidelines that we HAD to follow

First rectangle: 12',30'   (12 feet by 30 feet)

Second one:     20',10'   (20 feet by 10 feet)

Push/Pull:         10' (pull up 10 feet from the ground

Offset:               6" (Looking up at the bottom of the house)

Then we added our own touches like circle windows, doorknobs, and a starburst window (Which I did not make)

Painted House; This is the painted version of the house you see to the left (or right if you are upside down) but the way I did this was I used the entity info button when I clicked something and picked a specific color for the areas that I want a specific texture. Then I used the entity info button again to change the colors to textures.  Then I used my very great sense in good house painting and selected the colors and textures to paint the house.

240202 Simple House Scenes - Elizabeth Aguirre.mp4

Screen Pal and Scenes.

This is the Video of my house in SketchUp that i made with SketchUp's scenes, and then Screen Pal. The way i made the scenes was by using the scenes panel in SketchUp and then selecting the places that I wanted the scenes to go through. Then once I had those, I used Screen Pal and recorded the finished scenes.

Under this heading... 

is everything I made in Blender

Unlit Picture

This is how our house arrived in Blender when we imported them from SketchUp. So I rendered a image of it until I realized that it was just very dark.

Lit Picture

So then I readjusted the lighting in the lighting panel and brought it up to 3000 and then rendered a new and brighter image with Blender Render.

240401 House Spin 10 Seconds 1080p - Elizabeth Aguirre0001-0300.mp4

10 Second House Spin

This is the 10 second house spin that I made by using Blenders positioning and camera to make it spin backwards and forwards.

240216 Crazy Color House 1080p - Elizabeth Aguirre0001-0120.mp4

Crazy Color House Spin

This spin video was made by using the same spin as the last video, but adding random color keyframes in order to give the illusion that the people inside are having a disco party.

Custom Models

Custom Models

In SketchUp. after our initial house project Mr. Hicks let us have some freedom and make our own 3d Models in SketchUp and later put them into Blender, as you see here. I made a castle

240310 EEVEE 3D Model Castle Image - Elizabeth Aguirre0001-0300.mp4

Eevee Render Spin

This is the spin video that I made using the same techniques as the house ones. While using the same standard Eevee render mode.

240318 Cycles 3D Model Castle Video Spin - Elizabeth Aguirre0001-0300.mp4

Cycles Render Spin

This is the spinning video I made using the same techniques as the last one but in specific this time I had Mr. Hicks render it in Cycles render so it was very shiny looking.


240327 New Starry Sky Model Video - Elizabeth Aguirre.mp4

Full Starry Sky Spin Video

This is the full video of my spinning custom model that I made, using a moving AE background and the Star cc effect. 

I then placed my model on it in Premiere and then I was done!