Welcome to my Android Apps page, I hope you enjoy it! 

This is the QR code that you can use to download my app!

PLEASE READ MY INFO ON THE APP BEFORE DOWNLOADING. Anyway this is a multi app that hosts many apps that I made such as. Hello Codi, Talk to Me, Ball Bounce, and Digital Doodle. Which you can find more about right down below! Enjoy! 


Home Screen


This is the coding for my home screen page, and it's pretty simple but still very impressive and cool.


This is the basic layout for my home screen when you first start my app.  It leads you to the main part of my multi app... THE APPS

Hello Codi


This is the coding for my Hello Codi app same as the about screen it is pretty simple with just a button with a image and sound inside.


This is the first app on my multi app called Hello Codi. in my app here MatPat when you click on him says his classic outro; pretty simple but pretty cool.

Talk To Me


This is the blocks or coding for my Talk to Me page and it may look pretty simple but the Accelerometer was a bit tricky for me to do. Overall a very fun app. (Just don't shake your device when using it.) wink wink


This is what my Talk to Me screen looks like when you enter the app. the way this app works is you type whatever you want in the text box and then press the big button, and then the voice speaks it out loud.

Ball Bounce


This is the coding for the ball bounce app and if you are wondering the difficulty I'd say that it was fairly easy with only a few places of difficulty like the speed heading part . Although overall a very fun and easy beginner app to code.


This is the screen of my app Ball Bounce .This is probably one of my more "boring" apps it is literally just a ball bouncing around, but I mean see if it hits the corner and bring some friends over DVD logo style.

Digital Doodle


This is the HEFTY number of blocks within Digital Doodling. It has been very difficult to code in total, but I still enjoyed it very much. Some of my favorite Suprise parts were the magic button because i had to go and add new global Magic coding to every one of them and set up so much new code, and also the mute button which was fun because you are able to make the little AI voice just STOP TALKING!!!!!!!!!!!!! Overall, I had a very fun time with this app, and I hope you will like it.


This is the screen for my Digital Doodling App, and it has some very fun controls on it and you can draw and doodle whatever you want with it!



There is not much to see with this coding it is really just the coding for the return to menu button.... so ....yeah.


This is the screen of my about page. It withholds the same information as my about page here on my website, so if you do not want to download to see it you can just go to my online about page.

Now you may return to the top and download my app