Hi, my name is Einsley Torres. This is a presentation on my favorite things. These are the topics I’m mostly going to talk about, foods, places, and animals.

  My favorite foods are kind of basic, but they're still the best! Takis are my favorite of all time! I love them so much I would do anything for them. Nachos are one of the best foods in the world. Spaghetti is pretty good but it’s still not the best.  

  Places are a bit hard to do because I almost never travel, but I’ve narrowed it down to 3 places. Six Flags Fiesta Texas is the best place to go when you're bored you can ride all the fantastic rides. Universal Studios is so far the second best place I’ve been to. YellowStone National Park is a pretty nice place to go, it’s super pretty!

   Last but not least, animals. Animals are a bit tricky to do, cause they’re all so amazing, but I managed to narrow them down to the best. Ferrets, I love them so much! I have a ferret, and his name is Bandit. Ladybugs have always been something apart of me, that’s why I love them so much. Elephants are so cute and adorable. I've always loved them so much!

   These are my favorite things. These things mean the world to me! Especially the Takis, and the ferrets, and everything! Well, I hope you enjoyed it!