About Me

Hi, I'm Einsley Torres. I am currently in 6th grade DATA as I'm writing this. My parents are divorced, but it's fine I guess. At least I got 6 amazing siblings. Enough sad talk, I want to talk about my interests! Taekwondo is my favorite sport to see and do, I am currently red belt and by the end of 6th grade I'm going to try to get my brown belt. I really like art, I have always loved to do it. My favorite core subjects are math and science, they have always been. 

About DATA

DATA stands for Design And Technology Academy. We have mostly honors and GT classes and we also have 2 additional tech classes. We have Multi Media, which is the class that we're making this in, and Tech Apps.  DATA is an amazing place to be, you can trust all of the teachers, they are very kind to everybody. I really like the technology, and the teachers are very good at teaching all of the stuff that you need. Check out the teachers here!

Recording #6.mp4

This is my school in Google Earth, Check it out!