grey simple house

I made this as my first ever 3D model house. I was told it's too grey and color-less and ugly, but I am ignoring them cause I like it. 

Beige simple house

I didn't really like the color combinations, cause some parts are a bit bright. This was my second 3D model that I made. 

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230224 modern art 2 100 percent 10 secs 0001-0300 (1).mp4

These are my pieces of original 3D art. I really like them, because they're even and very reanbowy ( I know that isn't a word, but it should be ) I really like how symmetrical they are. And how everything is very even. For the first model, my teacher wasn't here, so I had my friend help me render, because I always mess something up. And for the second 3D model, my teacher said it was plain, so I had to add some textures to it.