Photoshop Era

PSD Header

This was pretty simple, getting images off the web, clipping mask, gradient. The basics.

Dodge and Burn

This was our dodge and burn project, which was lightening and darkening parts of the candle, as you can see both of the layers are on so you can't really tell.

Selective Adjusting

Our selective adjusting assignment, where you add control and flexibility to determine a photo using light and color, which of course we did change color of things, or just changing it's appearance in general to make all of this blend in nicely.


This was our adjustments assignment which was exploring the adjustment tools and changing the picture we chose, different, such as it's exposure, vibrance, levels, etc.

Adobe Illustrator Era 

Motivational Poster

DATA Insignia


Probably the best I've done for typing, though I can get better and I will!.