
This is my English Language Arts page, where I'll be showing mostly my essays, that I've worked on from beginning of year, to end of year. Though I have done more it's just that the writing is more important in ELAR. (Does a lot to your grade)

AUTUMN OCHOA - Hatchet Mini-Essay 2023

This was my hatchet mini essay, where I wrote about how I can relate to the protagonist in Hatchet. (Brian)

AUTUMN OCHOA - Narrative Retelling 2023

This was our (I think) Informational Retelling Narrative Story thing. Which was us, getting one of the stories we've read about in ELAR before , and turning them into news articles.


This was our Memoir essay, where we got a memory that has happened in our life before, and we write about it in chronological order.

AUTUMN OCHOA - My Persuasive Essay 2024

This was one of my favorites, our Persuasive Essay. Where we picked a topic to write about, whether we disagreed or agreed with it, we stated our opinion on why that is, and explained.

AUTUMN OCHOA - My Fiction Story (with my monster and root words in it)

Our last and final essay, where we used our monsters for reference and used them in our story. It could've been any kind of story, like genre I mean. Comedy, horror, fantasy, etc.