This is my 3D Modeling page where we made our name using the free draw and line tool, created our cubes with the rectangle tool and the push-pull tool, and as well with our awesome house with all of the tools I mentioned!! What I think vector art is making art digitally, but having more freedom and creativity to do what you want.

240401 Composited Model Autumn Ochoa.mp4


This was the VERYY last project for the 3D Modeling unit. If you wanna see how everything started in chronological order, scroll through this page! Though it wasn't my favorite.. But I did enjoy it a little. This was used with Adobe Premiere Pro, Adobe After EffectsSketchup, Blender. 

Beginning of Unit

3D Cubes!!!!!

This is my first project for 3D modeling, and as you can tell, it's 4 cubes stacked on top of each other. This was a pretty good start for me since I didn't know anything about Sketchup (The program I used to do this)

Simple House


The back

Unpainted House (Front and Back)



The front

Unpainted House (Front and Back)

                    Painted House

I used the bucket tool to paint this!!

Detailed View of Window

very closee! 😛

240129 Simple House Scene Animation Autumn Ochoa.mp4

Loop of my Simple House (In Sketchup)

All we really had to do was get our picture 5 frames and use Screen pal Capture to record this.

240212 House Spin 10 Second 100 percent Autumn Ochoa0001-0300.mp4

10 second video of my simple house (In Blender )

We turned our house into a collada file, then exported it into blender, and from there we marked our keyframes and got it to slow down, speed up. (Three keyframes in total.) Then, we rendered it and now it's here!

240216 Flashing House Spin 10 Second Autumn Ochoa0000-0296.mp4

Partying my simple house (In Blender)

Not so simple now right? I really just added multiple keyframes and colors, along with copying and pasting so it can actually look like a loop.

                                                 Funky second experiment

Second experiment that I created (In Sketchup)

Not one of my proudest projects or favorite unit, but I guess it was nice! And as you can tell I used shapes, but in order for it to be 3D, I had to use the push-pull tool, and I do believe I used the follow me tool, though you'll see more when you get to this unit. ;)