In tech-apps we learn how to use adobe programs such as adobe photoshop, adobe illustrator, google sheets, Google drawings, Google docs, and more. We also learn how to type faster. mr. Gonzalez is a super nice teacher and I am so sorry to all of you because if you come here next year he won't be here This is because he is moving to richmond, virginia😭😭. however i know he cares about you so much even though he has not meet you because he cares about all of his students immensely. Also he found a good new teacher for y'all he has not told us much but he did tell us that he has been teaching for a while and that he seems very nice.

This is an image that we used when we were learning About using tools in photoshop. i changed it from the original image( the one on the left) to the new image (the one on the right).

This is an image that we used in photoshop. i changed it from the original image( the one on the left) to the new image (the one on the right). I did this by putting on a grayscale layer and then emphasizing the girl by putting on a reveal all layer mask and painting the girl with the brush tool.

This is an image that we used when we were learning About using tools in photoshop. i changed it from the original image( the one on the left) to the new image (the one on the right). I did this by Making the light brighter, blurring out the background even more, and adding my name.

This is an image that we used when we were learning About using tools in photoshop. i changed it from the original image( the one on the left) to the new image (the one on the right). For this project we had to colorize the image so first I did the filters- neutral filters and turned on colorization. After that you can make the places that are still black and white colored by individually selecting in and picking a color for it. Then after that I used a couple of other adjustments that made the image more realistic like Levels, chanel mixer, Brightness/contrast, and exposure as I said on the text that i used.

These are some of my typing scores. We hav typing tests every 2 or 3 weeks and you can see how much I have improved. This was not easy It took work but it was worth it, because now I can type so much faster.

For this we use the text tool and then used the wrap text. Then we make a copy and make it wrap the opposite way. After this you put different text and group them. Then you make a copy and move it to the other white board. After that I just made some basic circles and made the stroke different colors and made it thick, and I made the fill invisble.

For this we use the shape tool and then used it to make a bunch of different things because if you click the arrow on the bottom of the rectangle tool it will show you things that you can make with more shapes. After that we made some custom shapes using pathfinder and others. Then the last thing we did was combine some of our shapes and add colors to them.

for this one we used the text tool and then changed the font. then we clicked on the gradient tool which made it so that we could color it however we wanted. so what ended up happening was that for my gradient I picked orange, yellow, and red colors but then I highlighted the text and saw that the blues and greens were really pretty. However, I did not know how to make it exactly like that so i highlighted the text and then when it was those colors i took a screenshot. After this I picked the gradient of the text and I changed the colors with the eyedropper tool on the screenshot. Then this is how the text looked and I copied it to the other clipboard. After that I put some relevant photos on there and changed the background to a gradient.