my definition of 3D modeling is having fun while you create amazing three- dimensional or 3D creations using simple shapes and hard work.

the first thing we did was make our names using the line tool,circle tool, and freehand tool. i used the line tool for anything that resembles a line in this picture. I used the freehand tool for the "a". The circle tool was used for the "o" and for the circles on the "i". after that we made cubes with the rectangle tool and we typed the dimensions (5',5') (10',10') (15',15') and (20',20') then we hade to use the push/pull tool to bring it up (5') (10') (15') and (20') after that we had the option to stack them either all on a side or to do the more complicated centered with 2.6' on each side and that is what i did and on mr. Hicks' video it said that he put Kc on top so that is what i did too.

This is my unpainted version of the house. It does not have a lot of detail but I made sure it had the right measurements and other necessary things like windows and a door.

This is my whole house that I made in sketchup I know that it may look complicated but it is actually very easy and if it does get hard you can always ask Mr. Hicks for help.

This is my sketchup house that I made but I put it through the rendering process you can see that it looks more detailed and less glitchy than the one from sketchup.

This is my door and my doorknob that i made. The way i made the doorknob was first making the door from making a rectangle and ofseting it then we used the push/pull tool to make it come out like a door frame. Then you can use the circle tool to draw a circle the you can bring it out with the push/pull tool then you press control and bring it out with the push/pull tool a bit more. after that you scale it and so that it does not look like a circle anymore and then it looks like a oval. After that I made more circles and used the push/pull tool to bring them out different amounts. After that the last step is with the free hand tool to draw a smile and it will automatically fill it in and then you can change the colors to whatever you want!!

This is the house that we made in sketchup for schools the windows are a component which means that if you do something to one it happens to all of them and for the door we drew a rectangle and then the offset tool to make  frame after that we used the  push/pull tool to bring it out like a real door.

Then for an assignment we had the option to put them into dimensions to render them my first one did not come out good because it is very noisy and if you don't know what that is it is kinda how it looks super staticy this is what it looked like the first time. 

This is the second version that I rendered but you have to make it 1920 by 1080 and I did not do that on this one so I had to redo it so always make sure to always check the dimensions.

This is the last one that I did in the  rendering process because I had the right dimensions (1920 x 1080) and it turned out good so that was the last detail version from dimensions for this project.

240201 Simple House Scene animation Kai Elliott.mp4

This is my video of the scenes in my house which you can make by going to sketchup for schools and then click on the movie marker then it will show you a thing that says my scenes then you can click on that and it will show you all of your scenes. It may show you the last photo you exported and make that a scene if you do not want it you can just go in and delete it. After that is done you can add the scenes by going to the place that you want to be a scene and then pressing the add scene button. after we made all of our scenes we went into the screen pal app and taking a video of the scenes playing, you can customize the size by making it an active window and then set it to what you want you can also make the sound turn off and on you want to take it about 1 or 2 scenes before your first scene. after you put it in screen pal you can cut the scenes before your first scene and after the second loop of your first scene. Then you have to make sure that you name the file. after  that you can go to about half way through your video and click overlay, text then you type your name and put it where you want it after that you can make the keyframes so that the name is on more then just in the direct middle of the video. then you can customize it and make it so that it is a different color and a different transition. Then you make sure it is saving to the right folder and with the correct name and your done.

240216 simple house 3 second spin Kai Elliott0001-0090.mp4

This is my house put into Blender to make a 3 second video that is 90 frames long. This makes so there is 30 frames a second.

240215 house spin 10 seconds Kai Elliott0001-0300.mp4

This is my house put into Blender to make a 10 second video that is 300 frames long. This makes so there is 30 frames a second still but the house spins slower the second time around.

240216 house spin 10 seconds Kai Elliott0001-0300.mp4

This is my house put into Blender to make a 10 second video that is 300 frames long. This makes so there is 30 frames a second still but the house spins slower the second time around. This one is the exact same house but I got to change the colors in blender.

This is my 3D model sculpture that I created using SketchUp, following the measurements that were required. I used different tools such as push/pull, offset, line, tape measurer, bucket tool, and more. I made two sculptures but I did not have time during this project to finish the other one. I also created the following one the same way since i love the flash.

After that we changed our warning colors to a bright color that was not going to be in our model. I picked orange. I did not get to paint my flash one but I did get to paint my other one and this is how it turned out!!

This is it after I put it into blender and changed the black on my model to orange because you can't have black on the model.

I made the yellow on the bottom of it glow, and i also made the pink into a glossy filter so it is like a mirror.

To this one i made the glossy filter pink, and made the green part have a glass filter.

240319 sculpture 1 glossy and glow particles- Kai Elliott0001-0300.mp4

This is my video that I made with particles flying out of my model. I made this by putting on the special effect and seeing what it could do then I got a big -------- and hid it behind the camera so that the camera would not get it in the video. Then I made it parent the particles so when I change something on the shape I change something on the particles. i also used keyframing to make the colors change.

240321 prebaked sculpture 1 glossy and glow particles- Kai Elliott0001-0300.mp4

If you watch the video before this you will be able to see that it is a little glitchy when it comes to the particles. Mr. Hicks taught me a way that you can make it not so glitchy. what you do is you click on something called prebake, which if you watch the video you can tell is more effective.

230321 space BG Kai Elliott.mp4

This is my space background that I made. see how it's glitchy it's because I had so many stars so I deleted some and i minimized how many you can see.

A 240328 Kai Elliott Model Animation With starr bust.mp4

I made this with a starburst effect. It's called that because the tiny circles look like stars. with keyframes i can slow them down, speed them up, make them bigger, make them smaller, make them more spaced out, make them less spaced out, etc.