While making a sample graphic I learned how do Ombre and how to make shapes. I made this in Adobe Illustrator.

I made these emojis in Adobe Illustrator too it's very easy to use and fun.

I made this in Adobe illustrator with simples shapes.

I made these in Adobe illustrator and it was a creative opportunity. A lot of the features on the face use the same tool. You can even make emojis in google drawings if you don't have Adobe illustrator.

This is my Ed Emberley I basically just made a picture with simple shapes. It's a rooster with some cactus and corn.

I made in Adobe illustrator. These are going to turn into stickers for our field trip at the Scobee Education Center. My original was the one on the right but, we had some ink issue I had to get rid of lots of things.

These animations was a fun and easy to make and I made these in Adobe animate. I thought the doll was really cute. The amusement park swing was kind of hard but,  I Just looked over everything to see what I did wrong. The windmill was easy and basic.