In Tech Apps I have been experimenting in Adobe Illustrator.  I have done a lot of extra credit assignments in class and my class has been doing typing test on

This is my typing WPM and my accuracy.

I tried my best to make a vector drawing of Millie Bobbie Brown. This was hard to make because of the details and the shapes. Google Drawings are really easy to make but can be time consuming.

This was when I was learning how the internet works. I had to make a diagram to represent how the internet works.

I made this informational chart. This chart can be useful if you have reaction to poison ivy. I had to do a lot of research. 

When I made this it was a test to see if I knew how to make shapes and import stuff.

I made this by myself for an assignment.

I have been learning about google slides, animation, and transitions. I have made a power point and a presentation about digital etiquette.

In tech apps we have been learning how to uses formulas in google sheets. Right now we made a pretend travel budget and I'm going to paris. I had to change the currency to euros.

I have been learning how to make pixel art in class. I made different kinds of pixel art.

Right now I have been doing a lot in adobe photoshop and learning about new tools. I have photoshopped lots of photos in tech apps.

This is my eagle photoshop with three different eagles and an astronaut.

This is my candle photoshop. I used doge and burn tools to make this.

I made these in photoshop and learned how to use specific tools like the blur tool.