Core Classes

In my social studies class I am working on a project called create your world but, it's not online so I can't show you anything. Basically I am creating our own continents, species, seasons, and style it's fun opportunity to get creative. I am now making our own currency and a job for our world. In class I have been taking tests about the names of different countries.

In math we are learning about ratios and real life examples.

Now I am learning about the triangle theory and it's pretty easy. We were also working on algorithm a few weeks ago. To me math is fun and can be difficult at times. I was learning about volume and area in different shapes.

In ELAR I am reading A Midsummers Night's Dream by Shakespeare and in my class everybody gets a characters role and we say their lines.

I am learning about debating. I am also learning how to outlining and give an impromptu speech. Today my class had to debate against each other. I have written lots of assay's in this class and they were all fun.

SERENITY FLORES - Narrative Retelling 2023

This assignment was to make a fake newspaper for a book.

SERENITY FLORES - My Persuasive Essay 2023

this assignment was to make a debate assay.


This is my memoir about my dog.

This my fiction story about the monster on the left.

SERENITY FLORES - My Fiction Story (with my monster and root words in it)

In class my teacher gave me three choices of books I would want to read and I chose The Adventures Of Tom Sawyer.

In science I was reading a book called George's Secret Key To The Universe by Christophe Galfard, Lucy Hawking, and Stephen Hawking, so I was assigned to make a comic strip  describing the summary. We also made a protest poster to protect the earth.

In science right now we are learning about the rock cycle. We even did a lab with starburst on how rocks decompose and makes diffrent kin of rocks.

In science we are in the chemistry unit. It is very exciting but also kinda confusing. In class I am learning elements and the periodic table.

In science my class is reading a new book called The Disappearing spoon.

In science I am learning about cells and biology. I have been reading passages about it in class.