Tech Apps

In Data there is 2 tech class. There is Multi Media and Tech App. In Tech App we work with Google type sites, Photoshop, and Illustrator. This page will show some of my favoriting we did in this class.

This is the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. This was a exart credit assignment I did. I finish it in 3 days. I used a photo and outlined the image with the curve line tool. 

I made Master Splitter. I did this as a side project for fun. This took me longer to finish because I kept giving up. This is the photo of the final project.

We have to find a black and white photo of Google. Then we sent the photo to Photoshop to Colorizes the photo.  It took 2 days to complete.

This is the color version of the photo I choose. We used A.I to make the photo colored. It was kind of hard because A.I would not color everything. This is our final project in the class.