240328 3D model video with music Kevin Ryan (1).mp4


This my first 3D modeling project in SketchUp for schools. We had to use the rectangle, push and pull, and tape measure tools. It is called Cube Practice.

This is my house I made in sketchUp for schools. It took a little longer than the last projected(Cube Practice). It is called Simple House.

This is my Simple Painted House. There were not a lot of texture to choose from. I was think about making a blue house because I saw one coming to school.

240129 Simple Painted House Sence Animation Kevin Ryan.mp4

This is my final 2 loop video of my painted simple house. We used ScreenPal to record the video. Hope you enjoy.


This is my SketchUp house in Blender. This is my first photo I did in Blender.

240213 3 Second House Spin Kevin Ryan0001-0090.mp4

This is my 3 second Blender house spinning. This is my first video in Blender.

240213 10 Second House Spin Fianl Kevin Ryan0001-0300.mp4

This is my 10 second house spinning video final. We used the 3 seconds of the first video and add 7 seconds for a 10 second.

Make your own model

This is my model I made but unpainted . The my model is the Washington Monument.

This my model I made with paint . I add a image of the flag.

240306 Eevee Blender Model spin Kevin Ryan0001-0300.mp4

This is my first video of my model in blender. It is a easy spin. The model spin for 3 seconds and then it spin to a different direction for 7 second. 

240318 3 second house spin top Kevin Ryan0001-0300.mp4

This is my model video I made in blender with a green screen. I need to add a green screen because I had black in my model that I couldn't remove.