Scan the code to access the app. This is my app I made in MIT App Inventor. There is photos of my app and code you can look at under here.

This is my home screen with my 4 apps I made. It took us about 6 week to complete the whole app.

This is all the code you need for the home screen. It did not take that long to finish the home screen.

This is my About screen. You scroll down to see all the texts. 

There is no real code for the about screen but the exit button.

This is Hello Doggy. I added a image of an dog but when you click him he barks. 

This is the code for Hello Doggy. The audio plays when you click the dog. When you click the exit button it brings you back to the home screen. All apps have a exit button.

This is Talk To Me. I added a text box so you can type what you want and when you click the button it talks.

This is the code for Talk To Me. Type in the texts box and click Talk To Me the text to speech say out loud what you typed. If you shake the tablet I say "Don't Shake Me."

This is Ball Bounce. I added a canvas and 3 balls. You can click the balls and they move.

This is the code for Ball Bounce. There is 3 ball codes with all the same code.

This is Paint Pot. I added a drawing with 8 colors you can choose from. There is a slider that you can choose dot size.

This is the code for Paint Pot. Every time you click the color it says the name of The color. The line are getting draw with circles every time so the lines look smooth. There are warnings when you click the wip button and the exit button, so you don't erase all your work. There is a mute button if you don't want to here the color names and a magic that draws a rainbow line.