These are the emojis I worked on in my class "Exploring Multimedia". I made them each unique on Adobe Illustrator. I took 3 basic emotions, and decorated them with facial expressions. They're not perfect, but they're acceptable.

 This is the badge we made in Adobe illustrator for our science class. It took a lot of work, but we made a " Mission to Mars " mission patch. They will be printed out and made as stickers. On mine, I Made the DATA man standing on Mars, waving to everyone. I would've added a dark blue/black background, but we didn't have enough ink for everyone in 6th grade to do that.

 The Harry Potter cartoon character was for a "Guess the Emoji" assignment in Multimedia. The original image is on Google Chrome, but was "upgraded" on Adobe illustrator. This is by far what I consider my best creation. Can you tell it's Daniel Radcliffe's Harry Potter?

 These 2 creations were made on Adobe Illustrator. They are apart of the Ed Emberley assignment. Ed Emberley was an American artist who made masterpieces out of simple shapes. It was very fun to create, and I added my own special touch to each of them. In the car, I made the wheels a gradient, and in the bicycle, I made the person riding the bike have hair, and a smiley face.

These animations are animations I made in Adobe Animate. I used the hands on tutorial, and this is the final product. They look a little off, but they still look okay.