In my Tech Apps class we learn all about Google Docs, Google Drawings, Adobe Illustrator, and more. We do typing tests, keyboard shortcuts, and we review terms on Quizlet/Blooket.

This is my average WPM score ( Words Per Minute ) on the Tech Apps leaderboard. I'm not very fast, but I work to get better at typing everyday!

These are the extra credit points in Tech Apps. I have earned 63 in total, and I haven't used them quite yet.

We originally started working on the mission patch in this class, and finished it up in Exploring Multimedia.

We have also been doing digital Etiquette, we've been organizing our G - Mail accounts, we've been doing our 016 & 017 typing tests, lastly we do Google Slides.  We also are doing make - up work, since it is the end of the semester.