This is the Simple House project that I did in my Multi - Media class. It took us about 2 weeks to complete. We made a video on YouTube showing this 3D model. Some of us had more trouble than others. For example, I has a lot of trouble with making the windows.

Here is the unpainted version of my simple house. I went back and added a circular window after this picture was taken.

Here is the final product of the simple house project, it has no sound, but I think it turned out okay. We used the program SketchUp for Schools to make the house, and we used Screen -O-Matic to record the video.

After we finished painting our houses in Sketchup, we put them in Blender to add shadows and make them more realistic. I think that mine turned out pretty good. We are also going to be making a video of it, so I will update my portfolio when the video is finished.

After 2 weeks of hard work, this is the final result. I updated the appearance for the video, and made the house spin around. I made sure that I showed many shadows, and made many keyframes that it could change into bright and beautiful colors that appeal to the viewer. I hope you like it!

After I finally finished the final product of the Simple House Project, we started to create the "Modern Art Sculpture", but my teacher said that I could make a school instead, just not 3D print it.

I then got to work on my long journey to work on my Elementary school. I worked hard in Sketchup on it, then brought it into Blender. I updated it, then began on the new model; the abstract art. I only did a little bit of work with it, but I think that it turned out alright. 

I also worked on a video with a background; here is the final result:

230303 Elementary school disco - Belle Hopkins.mp4


230310 School Composite Animation - Belle Hopkins.mp4


I made all of these in SketchUp, click Here to try it.