If you need to know where the school is this is it.As you can see DATA is in Ed white,yes this is a magnet school so that means that our program doesn't have its own school its connected with another school like a magnet,get it?

Any way if you need the address this is it! BTW you can click the word DATA to go to the DATA web site.

If you have the time there's a 44 minute video you can watch to inform yourself more on our program. And find out if its good for you, you can sign up for the ravel to see if you get in. You have to have passing grades and good attendees, and don't forget good attitude.(AKA meaning not getting into fights.

Another thing cool about Data is the assignments below (they are more but this is the online ones.)

ANNA ARCHER - My Persuasive Essay 2023
ANNA ARCHER - Narrative Retelling 2023