This is my QR code for my multi app.Feel free to scan it! If you want to see how I made it and all my processes that will be below.

Home screen

This is what you see when you open my app. As you can see I have a clear color scheme that is persistent through the app.To be honest all I had to do to design this screen was to add buttons and some layouts .This was the first and easiest screen I made for my multi app the code was also relatively easy as shown below.When you click a button it opens a new screen.

As you can see the coding isn't typed out,this is a coding method known as block coding. 

Hello codi

When you click on the button that says "Hello codi" this is the page that opens.The jist of this page is when you click on the cow it moos (I know very advanced). As you can see very simple code all I needed to add was 2 buttons , layouts and a label. Not that much to say about this so lets move on.

Talk to me

When you click on the button "Talk to me" you would not guess what happens. If you said "it opens the Talk to me page" you would be correct! As you can see you type what you want it to say and a text to speech voice says it,and when you shake the tablet it tells you to stop. More advanced than Hello codi,but still very basic.

Ball bounce

When you click on the button labeled "Ball bounce"the craziest thing happens it opens the game ball bounce,WOW. The premise of it is a ball bouncing around your screen until you tap it and it stops.Basic premise but interesting code.

When working with animation when coding X and Y coordinates are important,same for speed and heading.Speed is how fast its going,and heading is where its going.

Digital doodle

And the last and most complicated app is "Digital doodle"I don't expect anyone to understand the code, but in the simplest words I can use here is what is happening.When you click on the colors it changes your brush to be that color and uses a text to speech voice to tell you what color it is.Another feature is the size slider,I actually added a feature where if the thumb position is below 10 it's just line width,but if it's more than 10 it draws circles over and over again to make a net line.The redo feature does what you think it does it redos the drawing.And the last major feature is when you click a button labeled "Custom" it brings you to a page where you can choose a custom color using RGB.