240325 model vid with bg Anna Archer.mp4

WOW, look at my beautiful model video scroll down if you want to see my progress!!!!!!

3D Blocks

These are my blocks.These were my first assignment in SketchUp and when I was getting used to the mechanics.We created 2D squares and used the push pull tool to make it 3D 

Simple house

This is my simple house,I made in SketchUp. It started as a plane,BORING,house but now its a absolute BEAUTY. All jokes aside when making this house I was going for medieval and modern mixed together.

simple house video

240129 simple house Anna Archer.mp4

As you can see here this is a video of my house from all angels.I made this using SketchUp and ScreenPal. First I made the scenes in SketchUp,then I recorded edited it with ScreenPal.

Blender House

As you can see here this is still the same design of the last one but make it more realistic.I made this by making a collada in SketchUp then went into Blender inserted the collada and after that i just fixed the lighting and took a pic.

10 sec house rotation

240220 10 sec render Anna Archer0001-0300.mp4

This is my 10 sec video . This took me wayyyy too long to finish but nonetheless i did it. I first exported my house to blender then I made the animation. That's when I had the issues the key frames where not keyframing but the only reason for that is I forgot to double click on the keyframe which caused the keyframes to not stay. After I fixed that I exported TA-DA!

Temple thingy

Here's my Tempel thingy thats based of a real place in Bulgaria but only the building not the mitreale it is actley made from brick but I thought marble looks better.

Blender version 1&2

As you can see these are the blender versions of my model the first one is the oldest,and the next one is the most recent one.I had some complications with the first one so I had to redo it like 20 time but after a while I got it to look good and fixed the lighting to have warmer colors and if you know me you know I LOVE warm colors.