
Sundown happiness

These shoes have an expensive gradient that took hours to perfect. it is also used with expensive material to ensure safety and durability. Make sure to buy these shoes now!


Leafy Greens

I decided to put a nice gradient on the bottom of the shoe to add some pizazz. This shoe is also made with expensive material to ensure durability. This shoe also took hours to come up with the design and to manufacture. Buy these shoes for limited time!


Shoe Ads

This is an ad that I made to advertise my new shoes. I named my new shoes Leafy Greens and Sundown Happiness. I added 3 selling points to my ad to make sure that people would be stunned by the shoes and instantly want to buy them. I also have a video to advertise these all new shoes.

MP4 shoe ad.mp4

Elevator Speech

My elevator speech is to the left if you would like to go ahead and read it.


Here is a mdoel who is modeling one of my newest shoes, Leafy greens. I think she looks absolutely stunning in them