Starting Out

We first started out by getting used to SketchUp. We made different sized cubes, and then we stacked them to get used to moving things.

Unpainted House

After we got used to SketchUp, we made a house. This house was supposed to be unpainted because we had to turn it in for an assignment. The circular window, the window above the door , and the door knob are all extra details that I decided to add.

Painted House

This was my house after it got painted. I'm so proud of it! I used unique colors and textures to really emphasize that it is 3D.

230119 Simple House Sketchup Animation Aalyah Ahmed.mp4


Here is a video of my house that I made. There is a a bunch of different angles of the house to really emphasize the details. Feel free to watch it! This video was made in Sketch-Up.


Here is my house after I imported it into blender. Blender is a program where you can make any type of 3D model to do unique and interesting things like spinning. As you can see  there are shadows and the lighting is in different places.

230208 Simple House 10 second Spin 100 percent Aalyah Ahmed.mkv


 If you would like to see my house have  unique lighting and spins, go ahead and click on the video! I made this spin in the program called Blender.

Abstract Art

After we did the simple house, we continued to abstract art. All I really did was make some lines and I push pulled them to different heights. I also added some off sets which means that I made some holes in the middle of some of them.

Blender PNG

Here is an image of my model, but in blender. As you can see it looks better, it has better quality, and there is some lighting. I really like this model in blender because I think that it looks really cool with the lighting and angles.

230308 Abstarct art spin with camera movements 100% 10 secs Aalyah Ahmed.mp4


Once I was finished the abstract model, I made a video in blender. There is a point where I start going to the top of the model and you are able to see the top of the model. If you would like to see the video, go ahead and click on the video to the left.