This is the My Favorite Things project. Everyone made a video about all of their favorite things. We had to choose 3 categories. I chose my hobbies, movies, and places i would like to go! I also chose 3 pictures for each of my categories

Watch my video below!

221013 My Favorite Things - Aalyah Ahmed(VBR16).mp4

These are the images that I used in my video!! I got these images from the internet. I made sure that the size was 1920 x 1080 otherwise, there would be white space next to my images in the video and I wouldn't be able to animate the images. I animated the images in Adobe Premiere. I also changed the saturation and brightness in Adobe Photoshop.

Here are the PNG titles I used in my video. I made these titles in Adobe Photoshop. These backgrounds were made creatively and they are all different

Here is an essay that explains my favorite things

places I want to go


New York

Flower Garden




     girl scouts


    spider man


     iron man


Hi, this is a project called my favorite things. It was very hard to choose just 3 categories but, this is what I came up with. I’m

 going to be talking about my favorite movies, hobbies, and more!


I grew up in Egypt, and if you don’t know, Egypt is not a place you would go for scenery but, a place that does have very nice scenery is Japan. I have always wanted to go to Japan because I have heard it is an amazing place to visit. Another place I would like to visit is New York. New York is a beautiful place and has great food. The last place I would love to visit is a flower garden because a field of flowers is very comforting to look at.


I have a lot of hobbies and one of them is gymnastics. One of the skills I can do is a backbend. A backbend is when you stand and then bend back and put your hands on the ground. Another one of my hobbies is tennis. I have been doing tennis since I was 5 years old. My last hobby is girl scouts. One of my favorite activities to do in girl scouts is selling cookies.


Occasionally, it’s nice to go to the movie theatre and sometimes you really love the movie you’re watching. Well, that has happened to me a lot. It was really hard to just choose 3 movies but, those 3 movies really stood out to me. The first

movie is Uncharted. Uncharted is mostly about finding the gold that was lost thousands of years ago. This is an amazing movie; I could watch it so many times and never get bored of it. The second movie that I absolutely love is Spider-Man. I love all the Spider-Man movie ever made but, my absolute favorite is Spider-Man Homecoming. The last movie that I like is Iron Man. Again, I love all the Iron Man movies but, my favorite is Iron Man 2.


I’m so glad you took the time to read my essay and get to know me just a little bit more. Maybe these movies sound interesting, or these hobbies sound fun to you. Maybe you’ll fall in love with one of these things. That’s what happened to me.