This is my favorite things project which will have a lot of things I have made. First let's watch the video

231102 My favorite Things - Travis Sciantarelli (FINAL COPY).mp4

That was the video but if you want to see the creation process the look down below.

The way I got or made all of the assets you just saw was simple. First I got all of the images. I did that by going to google images. I searched for the image I needed. I went into the advanced image search, changed the file type to jpeg  and size to 8 mega pixels. Finally copied the image address to put in the comments bar later, and finally right clicked and picked save image as. repeat that process 8 more times for the rest of the images to get all of the images needed.  After the images were collected, I needed to make the headers. To make the headers I booted up photoshop and used the text tool to make the text. After that, I went into the blending options for the text turned on bevel and emboss, color overlay, stoke, outer glow, and drop shadow. then I edited it to my liking. the way I made the background I used the gradient tool on difference mode to make the background. Repeat those steps 2 times then you have your backgrounds. made the header with a new background and a recycled photoshop file. 

Then I made the video which was made in Premiere Pro which was not that difficult. First I imported my assets into the video which then I put in for 5 seconds each. Next I keyframed all of them so they zoomed and moved which was a little difficult. Then I added transitions and captions then transitions to those captions. After the transitions and Captions I made the credits tinkered with the speed and finally got what I wanted for the credits. After that I changed the transitions to some different ones. Then I made a few backgrounds in Photoshop for the credits then experimented with them in Adobe After Effects and made them do all of the stuff you see. Finally I used Media Encoder to make the video into an .MP4 rather than a Premiere project.