QR Code

This is the QR code for the app I made although this is not all of the items that made for my app I will show those extra bits and behind the scenes next!


The functions of the app is very simple just a button and a sound component with some code that looks like the image next to this text. What it does is touch the sheep it will make a bah sound. A fun fact about the bah sound is that I MADE IT, I went into Adobe Audition and went bah like a sheep for 10 minutes until I got it right.

Talk to me

This app was a little more complex than Hello codie as I made the text to speech say what is typed into the speech box, but that compared to the very last one this is nothing. I also added a feature so when you shake the device it will say some gibberish and tell you to stop shaking the device.

Ball Bounce

Ball bounce wasn't to hard all I needed was a canvas and a ball that move around on that canvas. I added the slider later because I thought it would be cool. The coding part was the problem as I had to make it so when the person swiped the ball it would move.

Digital Doodle

Digital doodle only need a canvas so it wasnt that difficult the only hard thing was the coding which was still pretty easy. The next app is an upgraded version of this with loads of more features and fun to be had!


There is a lot of information on the image your looking at so let me break it down for you. First on the bottom there is if the canvas is touched and dragged, it checks the variables and if they are true or false and works accordingly. You may see see some blocks repeating in there so drag the image in a new tab and you can see a lot of things in there for the coloration and how it works. Next was the default colors being ten of them. when the button is pressed it does the fundamentals changing color of the paint, but I also added a mute feature which caused the "if then" blocks being there and the orange parts are because of the magic custom colors and super magic. Basically all of the large purple blocks with pink ones coming off them are notifies that ask whether you want to do something or not. and finally in the corner is the extras feature for things that allow you to do more things like the previously mention super magic and custom colors .