My Robot

The Robot

This is my robot Beep-Boop! Beep-Boop can paint, bring you drinks, and conduct in an orchestra! Beep-Boop was made in Adobe Illustrator using the shape builder tool and the pen/brush tool.

The Logo

This is the logo used when advertising Beep-Boop to the world! This was also made in Adobe Illustrator but this time using the Text tool and the brush tool. To get the text like that we clicked on the line with the text tool and typed along the line.

The Advertisement

This is the advertisement we made in Adobe Illustrator. We used all the tools from the previous assignments along with the warp text feature.

Elevator Speech

Hello [Audience], I help students advance quicker in their electives by making a robot to teach and assist them. Many students across the globe are struggling with their electives in school, just like a student I know. Her name is Himena, her elective is art and orchestra. She had been falling behind in skill compared to her fellow musicians and artists, she was off tempo and had not yet grasped color theory. She felt as though she would never reach the skill level needed. She had been scrolling through Google, TikTok, and Youtube for any sliver of hope she could grasp. And in the darkness a rope of hope had been given to her. This rope would be Beep-Boop. Beep-Boop had taught her how to use complementary colors and how to stay on beat! That is why I believe students would greatly benefit from Beep-Boop in their lives. Beep-Boop can give them undivided attention on many topics like Art, Cooking, and Orchestra! I greatly encourage you to adopt Beep-Boop and introduce him to your beloved children and students to help them succeed. You can get in touch at our website In conclusion, Beep-Boop can teach students many important hobbies and help improve their skill. Thank you for your time.

This is the elevator speech I will use when we are presenting and "selling" my robot. I typed it out in google docs and then refined it in class.