This is our second  tech class

Typing average 

In tech apps we do typing tests, my average typing speed is 39 wpm with an average accuracy of 93%. The graph shows all the 1 minute tests we did for a grade.

014 AI Drawing

We had to create a drawing in Adobe Illustrator and export it in JPEG form.  I call this one the "Unoriginal Original Art".

Google Drawings

In the beginning of the year we started out on Google Drawings. here are the best drawings in my opinion.

DATA Man in Space

This is the inside drawing for the Mission to Mars Patch we continued in Multi Media.  We used Adobe Illustrate to make this drawing.

The pictures below were made in Google drawings using amny of the tools provided. 

I approve of this statement. A poster for what this amazing person approves of 

Hu Tao from Genshin Impact. My favorite drawing ive made in a while.

This is the drawing I made for the 012 drawing test.