Simple House

In Multi Media we started our 3D Simple House project in SketchUp schools.

Simple House video tour

This is the video tour of the Simple House I made in SketchUp schools.


We imported our simple house into blender to render it with more shadows and light.

Simple House Spin

This is a video of the simple house we made in SketchUp but now rendered in blender. 

Simple House Implosion

This is the simple house but imploding.  we used keyframes in blender tomake the house Implode! Click the house to see the house Implode!

Original Model

This is the original model I made using blender. I based it of those cathedrals in Central Moscow.  It was very difficult to make the spikes on top of the towers but it was a very fun model to make in the long run.

230301-Original 3D Model - Maribel Garcia.mp4

Original model Video rendered In blender!

This is the model I made in SketchUp imported in Blender.  Once we imported the model in blender we keyframed the model to spin and moved the camera to face down at it

2nd Model

Instead of making just one model why not make two? We went back in SketchUp and created our second model. This one is not as exciting as the last model but this one has more... Architecture?

Into Blender!

After we finished our 2nd model we imported it into blender by exporting it as a DAE file from SketchUp then into blender and then added those extra shadows to make it pop!

Blender Render!

After we had imported our 2nd model in blender we started to keyframe it to spin the exported it into a video file! This part is always so fun!

 (Open link in new tab by clicking the box with the arrow)

230228 Original 3d Model - Maribel Garcia v1.mp4