Data is an amazing program for amazing people. People need to have a hunger to learn, and Data can feed that hunger.

                                                                -Carlos Benitez

About Me

Hello I am Carlos Benitez. I am a sixth grader at Ed White. My favorite food is A mexican desert named Arroz con Leche. I like to play Risk and I consider myself a smart person. I do well in school. I like Data because it helps me grow as a person. It broadens my knowledge of using computers. In this age in the US more than 50 percent of jobs require knowing how to use a computer. I try my best and have a lot of fun. 

About Data

I go to Ed White, but really I'm in a program at this school. Data is a program that stands for Design and Technology Academy. Data's main focus is on being able to design and create different art structures. It still has the core curriculum classes and has amazing extracurricular classes. Data is ran By Karen Vallente. She is the assistant principal. Mr Ruiz is the principal of the school now, but before he was only in charge of the data program.