A youtube Video made by me, I worked hard on this and I think it came out amazing.

These are the images I used for  my Youtube video. I worked hard finding these pictures and editing then to Look really good. I worked hard and came out with a final product that looks amazing in my opinion. I hope you like the pictures and the video.

The Wolf is a very interesting animal. The females weigh 60 to 80 pounds while the Males weigh 70 to 110 pounds. Wild wolves have a lifespan of up to 13 Years but  usually only live up to 6 to 8 years. An interesting fact about wolves is that they have  42 teeth. They are carnivores and eat meat. That's why they need sharp teeth.

Foxes are great animals. They are amazing

animals. Foxes are great hunters. They are great hunters at night and are omnivores. That means that They eat plants and animals. Foxes are considered solitary animals due to the fact that they usually live alone. Foxes also Have a great vocal chords. They can make over 40 different sounds. Researchers have actually found out that Foxes use Earth's magnetic field to hunt.

Coyotes are crazy animals. They are strong and wild. They also hunt for Big Prey. Coyotes are very adaptable and can adjust well to city life. They are omnivores and they even mate for LIFE!! They are very fast and are great pest control.

Chorizo and egg is a mexican delicacy. It is delicious and warm. It will make you want more and you'll never really get tired of eating it.

Waffles are amazing. They are delicious and easy to make. And if your in a hurry you can eat it while you walk because it's so small

These are some of the things I used in making this video