This is a video of the house I made on Sketchup. I used Screencast-o-matic to record this.

This is a project I did for Multimedia. In this project we had to design a house with exact measurements so it wouldn't collapse. We created component windows so any change to one window would alter the others. I used Sketch-Up for school which is a free version of sketch-up. It is a software where you can design 3D objects. That is a picture of the front, back, Sides and top view.

I made this 3D model in my Multimedia class. I have finished decorating it and adding material. This uses colored material that contrast.

230209 Simple House 10 second Spin 100 percent - Carlos Benitez.mp4

This is a video that I made in Blender. It is an animation of a house I made in sketchup. I had to put keyframes to make the house spin a full 360 degrees.

This is a sculpture I made in Sketchup. I exported it to Blender and made a video of it. I worked hard on it and made the base a certain measurements. when I made this I was hoping it came out looking like something from the future. I think it came out of an art shop. I really liked creating this because it looks amazing and it helped boost my creative thought process. The background color makes the image pop too.

230320 Symmetrical Modern Art Pink BG- Carlos Benitez.dae.mp4

This MP4 on the left is one of my favorite 3D designs that i have made so far. In blender we even learned how to change the color of the background without messing up the color of the actual design. This by far was one of the most interesting designs and It got confusing when I was creating it. I was going for a  symmetrical design and ran into a few kinks. It got sorted out and I got it working. This project was a lot of fun and I loved working on it.

This is a sideline picture of the design from above. I think it looks amazing.

These are some of the things I used in making this video