English Language Arts Reading

The Best Convention Ever

I'm here to ask Have you ever been to a convention? Well one faithful day, I got the chance to go to one called San Japan (Meaning San Antonio Japan) . Now this wasn’t my first time going to a convention. I Actually went to Comic Con 2016, but this was my first time going to an Anime convention. My mom texted me about it while I was at my grandma's house. At first I was like, “What’s San Japan?” 

Then the words dropped like bombs, “It’s an anime convention.” 

I was hyped, since I was too young to remember my first convention. This would basically be like my first time going to a convention. This immediately conjured a thought of, “I have to do cosplay, but what character?” My mind thought for ages before deciding on a general theme for the cosplay: An anime show known as Demon Slayer. Many of y’all might have heard of it.

“Now that I’ve decided on a theme, I'll have to find a character that’s not too expensive to cosplay.” Halloween was approaching at a rapid pace, and I had not yet thought of a costume for All Hallow’s Eve (AKA Halloween).  So, I had an idea it would be easier to get a costume if  it was both for the convention and Halloween. So, I did my research on cheap, affordable costumes for San Japan. I stumbled upon a character that didn’t need any special cosmetics or any extra props. The character I ended up with was Zenitsu Agatsuma. It was just his outfit, hairpiece, and sword.

Fast forward a month, or maybe just a couple weeks, to my house. This was the day of San Japan. I,  Junior, Mom, and my brother were already in our cosplay. (A costume of a fictional character), and we were all impatiently waiting for the time to head to San Japan. We were scrambling around getting everything ready. Just then, my dad came out of his room, keys in hand, and started ushering us out the door. One by one, we all got into the car. Just like that we hit the road. It probably looked weird to outside viewers to see a bunch of people in costume. Just then my dad asked,  “Did yall bring your props?” 

With a sudden realization both me and my brothers confessed we had forgotten our props. But we weren’t about to turn around to go get them. Iut it was fine. We were still in costume, and that was good enough.

Just then, we were about to arrive when we saw all the cosplayers walking around carrying crazy props. It took us forever to find a parking spot but finally we did and it was time to go in. As we were going into the convention center I saw my now favorite anime (which hadn’t come out yet mind you.) Being cosplayed all around. My dad told me it was a new anime just about to come out called Chainsaw man. I said

“Oh that’s cool.” and we continued walking into the convention center where we took a minute to take in all the sights. Soon then we had to wait in a really long line of at least 100 people. But just like that we were in the front and we checked in our vaccination cards. We were handed cards to show were allowed in and went on our merry way. Then we started in the art section. We never really spent much time there but it was awesome to see all the anime artwork.   We headed on after looking at some art into the shop section where we all started looking around to see the stuff on sale.

 We then headed to the  gaming district where me and my brothers played Mario Kart on the Wii. My mom knew someone hosting the event and they went off for a while. Once we finished we got some food and ice cream; it was delicious. We went further into the shopping district and just about looked at everything there.

“Do you boys know what you guys are going to buy?” At the time we hadn't decided but we looked at every single shop at least once. My little brother and my dad went to get a custom lightsaber, and my mom was finishing her purchase of a light pink barbie purse. Me and my brother stuck together when I found this shop. Its glisten beckoning me to my destiny,  a katana shop. I found this Demon Slayer katana and decided to purchase it. I raced over to my dad in a blitz.
“Wait up brother!” yelled my brother but I was hellbent on getting this katana. My dad told me to go ask mom for her card. So to mom I raced. She handed me the card and off I went.

“I want that one!” I said excitedly. He grabbed it and handed it to me; just then my brother went into the light and bought his own karambit. We all met up and subconsciously knew this was our first but certainly not last San Japan.

English language arts reading or as we call it ELAR is the mix of writing and reading.