3D house project.

In this project we made a simple house. We started by using measurements to make some simple cubes then we stacked them into a pyramid. Once we got that down we went into a new file and started by merging two quadrilaterals together and making the shape you see in the image above. then we made the roof it was easy we just put some lines and push/pull tooled it. then we made the door with you can imaging was easy. Then we used the follow me tool to make the bottom lining. After that was the lining on the roof then we made the windows as a component and copied them around the house. And then we had special details we added the chimney first, then we added the round window and finally we added the door knob. After we finished that this is what the house looked like.

230120 Painted house Showcase - Josiah Nava.mp4

Next up was converting the Sketchup file to Blender we saved and we brought it to blender where, we had to spend a lot of time adjusting the settings to make it perfect before we set keyframes. Next up was the rendering which took so long! But eventually, we got the fully rendered video!

230301 Original city of truth 100 Precent - Josiah Nava0001-0300.mp4

Next step

After we finished modeling our house we got started on a unique model to make our own. We went into Sketchup and started on a design that would take up most of the week but eventually I settled on a design the "City of Truth". we then had to put this into blender with keyframes and spinning animation. Eventually it came out to the video on the left.

Imploding house

The imploding house is a project that people who finished would make in blender by setting keyframes into differentiating parts of the house where we. What you do is you st keyframes of the house at the end of the scene. Then you should go back to the beginning of the scene where you move and rotate all parts of the house off screen. The final product reveals in the side video.

230209 Simple House 10 Sec imploding house Josiah Nava.mp4