This is my Android app project folder our final unit in Multi-Media! Before we can get to my ongoing project we need to talk about how me and my friends developed the skills needed for our project. But instead of typing an entire paragraph i'll let you see for yourself what MIT app inventor really is.

MIT App inventor Skill development

When we first started developing our skills we needed to do set tutorials and a multi function app which we hath dubbed thee "Multi-App". This app had all the beginner tutorials that were simple like When you tap a bee it makes a buzz sound. When you first load into a new project it will look like the image on the left.

An app named "PaintPot"

In this MultiApp I spent most of my time working on PaintPot . This was the main project that we worked on but some other apps will be listed down below. It started out with a simple canvas and buttons in which we took elements from our tutorials and skills we learned to slowly start adding new buttons and features. Slowly we added new colors and notifiers that improve the app one by one. Then we started dabbling in adjusting line size and muting the part of the app that says the color.

Various Different blocks that help PaintPot do its functions!

Finished product 1.0

If you wanna check out the finished MultiApp you should scan the QR code on the left. This is hours of work and dedication all put into one QR code.

Whats Next

Up next I am working on a secret project with my friends, Mayank Kumar, Brian Turner and Han Niu. Not much about this secret project can be revealed except the name: Arcane Realms. This is an ongoing project that will take many more months to finish.