


In ELAR we learn a lot of things mostly learning how to use different reading methods, and different text features and figurative writings. We also put all the things we learn in practice by doing writing assignments. We have made a summer reading essay, a newspaper of a fictional story, a memoir, a persuasive essay, and lastly a fictional story using our root word monster ( this one was my favorite).

CHELSEA AMANQUAH - Hatchet Mini-essay

Hatchet is a book we had to read over the summer. Hatchet is about a boy in canada who crash landed in a forset and he has to survive untill someone comes to help him. At first he has a lot of trouble but then he gets the hang of living in the wilderness. Using that we made a small story on how we can relate to what happened to this character.

CHELSEA AMANQUAH - Narrative Retelling 2023

This writing assignment we did was informational and narrative retelling. Basically we read a fictional story, took a specific point in that story and made a news article. We used different journaling techniques and structures to make this. (Mr.Wayment's sister is actually a journalist and she helped us a lot)

CHELSEA AMANQUAH - My Persuasive Essay 2023

For this assignment we were told to read a debate newspaper and select one we wanted to write a persuasive essay about. I chose if teens should have jobs. Out of all of them this was the easiest to do since im not very good at writing, especially persuasive.

CHELSEA AMANQUAH - My Quote and Truism Bank

This was used as a resource to help us use quotes and truisms in our writing. It was really great.

World Cultures