About DATA

DATA stands for Design and Technology Academy here at Ed White!

Our Motto in my own words is...

"DATA, Teaches The Next Best Technology Students"

Data Summary

Data is a special program which is in ed white middle school. In order to enter data you need good grades most preferably 85% average and if its 90% average then your chances of being accepted are raised. Data is Design and Technology Academy, so just as the title says data gives two special classes called tech apps and multi media. These are the core things that make data such a great school to go to, but what is tech apps and multi media? Tech apps is a class where you mostly learn about photo shop, adobe illustrate, and computer stuff, so basically it is the art capabilities with technology. While tech apps is more art related, Multi Media is well, multiple technology aspects. In MultiMedia we use blender, sketchup, Adobe illustrate but not very often, Adobe Animate, Adobe Premiere, Adobe After Effects, and we even make apps!

Our Director!

This is Mr. Ruiz, who is our director and holding principal of Ed White. he's a great principal and director and is also really nice. You can also ask him anything about the program if he's available, he knows it better than anyone. He has been the DATA director since the DATA Middle School branch opened. So go talk to him if you have any questions.

About Me

Hello, my name is chelsea and i am a data student. I like data, it's fun, interesting, and very engaging. My friends here are very cool and classes, as well as teachers are very awesome too. I make android games as my favorite past time and its very easy to understand. I am kind of tall but luckily in data you're treated normally, maybe a few people will point it out but i'm not made fun of which is great. These are just really small factors that play into why i like data so much and how other people feel about data as well.

Contact DATA!

School Phone Number!

School Website!Â