MIT App Inventor 

Mega App

Main Screen

This is the main screen of The Mega App (that's what I call it ). It has 5 apps:

Hello Codi

This is the Hello Codi Screen. There isn't much on this screen, and this is the tutorial app. This is the first thing you will code in this program.

The function of this screen is when you click the bee a buzzing sound will be played. That's it, but during class we added a return to menu screen that allows you to go back to the main screen.

This is the code needed to make the game. The return to menu button was something that our teacher taught us and it was not in the tutorial. 

Everything here is pretty straight forward. If the bee button is pressed a sound will play and then the sound will vibrate for 1000 milliseconds.

Talk To Me

Ball Bounce

Digital Doodle

Paint Pot