Failure: A Love Story

Failure: A Love Story follows the three Fail sisters, all of whom will die within a year. The play weaves through the sisters' past, present, hopes and dreams all while constantly inching toward the end of their lives.

Mood Boards!

The Fail Sisters Hair

My publicity lead designed the beautiful artwork above and had the idea for each Fail sister to be represented by a flower. I decided to make the flowers represented on stage by the addition of clips for each sister covered in their designated flower.

Seen above is the green flower represented in Gerty Fails hair clip against her bun.

The Young Fail Sisters

I wanted to capture the playful innocence of the young Fail girls. I focused on a pink based makeup design connected to their youth. I also gave them each a differentiation of pig tails, french braids, crisscross braids all into pig tails to differentiate between all the young girls. 


I wanted to lean into 20's flapper style because the gramaphone was frequently singing 20's music throughout the show. I looked into 20s magazines for inspiration of the style. I settled for a rouge covered looked with a golden eye to cordinate with the costume. I wanted ringlet curls for the hair, but the actress had think hair that struggled to hold a curl so I settled for a looser curl. 


Moses is a snake so I wanted to incorporate grays and greens to connect to the snake color palate. I added a green under eye liner to simply but noticeably incorporate the green into the look. I also used a gray smokey eye to show his exhaustion. 

Grantland Rice

Grantland Rice acted as the news reporter of the show. I took inspiration from news anchors makeup and hair, with clean finishes and accentuated accentuated atures.  I used an elevated natural look with clean straight hair to add to the put together persona of the character. 


The chorus I wanted to look the same except recognizable from person to person. Everyone had very natural brown toned stage makeup so there was a correspondence between all. I had all the chorus have a kind of braid in their hair to make them each be unique but have one thing in common.