Cyber Bullying

Cyber Bullying

Cyber bullying is when another person talks to you on an app but it is mean or hurt you this is bad.

Warning Signs for Bullying

There are many warning signs that may indicate that someone is affected by bullying -ether being bullied or bullying others. Recognizing the warning signs in an important first step in taking action against bullying. Not all children who are bullied or are bullying others. These warning signs can also point to other issues or problems, such as depression or substance abuse. Talking to the child can help identify the root of the problem. 

Signs a Child Is Being Bullied  

Look for some changes in a child. However,  be aware that not all children who are bullied exhibit warnings signs.

Some signs that may point to a bullying problem are:

If you know someone in serious distress or danger, don't ignore the problem. Get help right away.

What is cyber bullying

Cyber bullying is where someone is bullying on social media. If someone is bullying someone else they may get banned from social media.

Bullying Statistics


Cyber bullying