
all from google ) CDC estimates that an average of 1 in 36 children in the U.S. has ASD or autism. Children with autism, like all children, are different in their behaviors and abilities. No two children with autism will have the same symptoms. A symptom may be easy to see in one child and hard to see in another child. 
how to help someone from a meltdown.

This website will help you understand autism 

What is autism?

Autism is a condition that affects how a person thinks, feels, interacts with others, and experiences their environment.

Autistic people are 'neurodivergent', which means that their brains are wired a little differently than 'neurotypicals'. (Neurotypical people have the most common type of brain). Some people like to think of this as a different operating system, like Apple technology products compared to Android.

Autistic people are born autistic and are autistic for their whole lives.

Autism is diagnosed as ‘Autism Spectrum Disorder’ (ASD), with the word ‘spectrum’ referring to the wide range of experiences and traits in the autistic community. This spectrum isn’t a straight line and autistic people are all individuals who can experience autism differently, and have different support needs.

Regardless of these different experiences and needs, all autistic people deserve respect and support.

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What are some of the challenges faced by autistic people?

Navigating a world designed for neurotypical people can sometimes be challenging and overwhelming for autistic people, because of their different experiences.

Autistic people are more likely than neurotypicals to experience bullying, abuse, unemployment or under employment, homelessness or housing instability, and mental illness.

Autistic people also have a greater likelihood of experiencing other conditions such as epilepsy, gastrointestinal issues, and being neurodivergent in other ways such as ADHD, which can each involve additional challenges.

A lack of respect, support and understanding, however, can pose some of the most difficult issues autistic people face.

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Myths & facts about Autism

MYTH 1: Autistic people don’t feel emotions or empathy towards others.

FACT: Autistic people can be extremely caring. They may show their emotions and empathy in different ways, however autistic people do experience empathy and feel emotions intensely. 

MYTH 2: Autistic people have an intellectual impairment.

FACT: Autism does not impact a person’s intelligence. 

MYTH 3: You can tell someone is autistic by looking at them.

FACT: Autistic people come in all different appearances and from all different cultures. Autism does not define how a person looks. 

MYTH 4: Autistic people are always male.

FACT: Autistic people can be male, female or gender diverse.

MYTH 5: Autistic people always prefer to be alone and do not want friends.

FACT: Autistic people can be introverts (gain energy from being alone), extroverts (gain energy from being around others) or ambiverts (a bit of both). Autistic people may need time alone to recharge and can enjoy doing activities quietly on their own, just like many other people. However, this doesn't mean they don't want friendships or relationships. Humans are social creatures, and autistic people experience a strong desire for social connection and can experience deep feelings of loneliness when this isn’t met. Autistic people can make amazing friends and partners.

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Getting support

It can be really challenging being an autistic person or caring for an autistic person in a non-autistic world. In addition to your own coping strategies and personal support network, there are a number of options for professional support, depending on your or your loved one’s needs and goals:

Look for professionals who listen to and help you address your needs and goals, and who treat you with respect. If they don’t or you find something just isn’t helping, tell your support people so they can help you find help that is a better fit.