Senior Year

Pico Rivera Parks and Recreation Commissioner (5hrs)

I serve as a Pico Rivera Parks and Recreation Commissioner. I attend monthly meetings to discuss the services and events offered by the Parks and Recreation department and address community issues like increased homelessness in the parks. In these meetings approve and oversee the recreational sports organizations. As well as give our reports on our assigned parks/organizations under the Parks and Recreation department. Lastly, we attend and volunteer at community and city events. 

This position is important to me because it allows me to give back and take care of my community. Through this position, I have met and connected with different people from all around my community. I have also been able to contribute to many city events and plans to create positive change. 

Halloween Spooktacular (3hrs)

At this event, I judged the different age divisions for the Halloween costume contest. I evaluated each contestant's costume and if they were exceptional I put them into one of three categories scariest, cutest, and creative to compete in the final round of judging. In the final round of judging we evaluated the finalist for each category one last time, deliberated, and handed in our scorecards to the announcers.

These events are important because they give us the chance to interact with members of our community and foster good relationships.  Additionally, we can also meet and talk to local leaders and officials at these events. 

Amigos Del Rios (3.5 hrs)

At this event, I helped plant tree for my high school El Rancho high school. I dug the holes for, planted, created a berm, and watered three trees. I also signed a petition for the expansion of conservation of hiking trails and forests. 

This is important because trees reduce air pollution, mitigate climate change, and reduce the urban heat island effect. Additionally, it's important to give back to your community.

Historic Whittier Boulevard Revitalization Program Community Workshop (3hrs)

At this event, I performed multiple tasks for the set-up and running of the workshop. I managed the sign-in and registration of attendees. I took down notes as attendees asked questions or provided feedback on the proposed recommendations. I provided my own insight and commentary on proposed recommendations from a youth/student perspective. I also helped facilitate attendee engagement activities such as raffle drawings and Q and A sessions. Lastly, I helped with the set-up and take-down of the event.

This event is important because it helped with the community voice on the city's revitalization plan of Whittier Boulevard. Community members could learn about current plans for the project and voice their suggestions and opinions on the project. All the data collected from this workshop is used to create the final plan that will be used for the project. 

Pico Rivera Youth Ambassadors (50 hrs total for the whole winter program)

The city collaborates with the Pico Rivera Youth Ambassadors to support youth and community involvement in local development initiatives such as the Whittier Historic Boulevard program. This is significant because it keeps the city and its partners accountable by keeping them informed about all development plans and encourages community involvement in ongoing city development. During city events, I volunteered at city booths where I distributed fliers, gave explanations of the plan, and assisted community members in completing surveys with their feedback. I also helped out in the city's community plan meetings. I assisted with event setup, welcoming guests, and help facilitate the event.  I also assisted in planning events for the youth community events. I assisted with the creation of the advertisements, event planning, setup, and facilitation at such occasions. Along with helping to produce the advertisement, I also helped promote the program both in person and through social media.

Pico Rivera Climate Action Plan (2 hrs)

I assisted with the setup and facilitation of the Pico Rivera Youth Climate Action Plan.I also gave my own feedback and suggestions for the plan. This is important because climate change is an increasingly important issue in our world. We need to plan to adapt and combat the changes climate change brings to our community and figure out how to best serve our community. 

Pico Rivera Climate Action Plan (2hrs)

I assisted with the setup and facilitation of the Pico Rivera Youth Climate Action Plan.I also gave my own feedback and suggestions for the plan. This is important because climate change is an increasingly important issue in our world. We need to plan to adapt and combat the changes climate change brings to our community and figure out how to best serve our community. 

AVID Tutorials (1hr)

Tutorials are a standard practice of the AVID program. During tutorials, sophomores receive help from juniors and peers on any coursework that is confusing them. As a tutor, I facilitate the discussion that takes place in tutorials by having them write out their point of confusion (POC), the steps or process they did while attempting to solve the assignment/problem and making sure they ask each other questions. I also grade their tutorial request forms (TRFs). I grade for completion and quality. 

Tutorials are important because they help students academically. Good grades are an important part of being a competitive applicant for college. Tutorials allow them to ask for help in their coursework and enable them to better understand the material. This creates stable foundations for core subjects like Math and English, which will make them college-ready when they graduate.