
Pre Season Boot Camp

Yearbook bootcamp spread.pdf

A big tradition at Bullitt East is for the incoming staffers, new and returning to get together a couple weeks before school starts and prepare for the upcoming year. This year's boot camp was very successful and fun. I had the staffers get into small groups for a friendly spread competition. The File to the left was made by Lizzy Perkins (10). I chose to include this spread because it summarizes why my advisor and I hosted this camp and was just an awesome spread, especially considering how new she was to the yearbook game.  During this boot camp, I established the hierarchy of the class and introduced all of the editors and roles on staff. We did 'Basic Training' and showed the staffers the types of media and writing styles that we use on staff. At the end of the last day, we had a little pizza party and I could tell the morale was super high for the new year.


AP style

During my junior year on staff as the Executive Writing Editor, I created many workshops to help get the staff used to writing properly. The one I attached is the first one I ever made and it is still being used in class to this day.

Work Nights

I know a work night doesn't sound like the most fun way to spend a weekend or a day off of school, but in my class, we tend to have a pretty good time. I reimplemented this concept this year as the EIC because we have been pretty behind for the past few years and I am not about that! Before these work nights, I will notice that we have a lot to get done so I'll send out a message to our class and request that everyone available come up to school and get stuff done. We play lots of music, order food, and get completely off-topic but ultimately make a ton of progress on our books. Work nights are just a really good way for our staff to bond and team build while being productive.

Media Nights

Media Nights are the most important nights of the year as far as coverage goes. They are stressful and chaotic but super cool. Our school host's media nights very professionally and we have very intricate schedules for each sport and there stations. We have three interview rooms in session at every given moment and three different photography stations. We try to get media for all three publications (Charged Media, Endeavor, and Livewire) in one night, so it can get a little crazy. I try to help keep it organized by ensuring everyone on my staff knows their beat group and where they are supposed to be at every second. 


Livewire's Editor-In-Chief,  Shelbie Heath, and I collaborated to conduct a session with approx. 60 high school journalists to teach them how to create a Media Day for their school.

Daily Stuff

Each day I start off class with the bellringer that I have my Executive Editors come up with. When they finish that I talk about what we will be using the class time for and upcoming deadlines. Typically especially during the winter/spring months, we have a lot of work days and a lot of deadlines for the staff to meet. At the beginning of the year, I had to do a lot of teaching and skills workshops but right now the class is in a really good groove. 

Ensuring Coverage

A big way that I like to ensure that events around our school are covered is by keeping our daily slideshow updated and by having weekly beat group meetings. This year we also started doing coverage conferences before and after any staffer covers an event to make sure that we will be getting the right pictures/videos.