Current Events Quiz #2.1

a.  This article was about how Israel and Palestine are at war and how many people are dying because of it. Israel started the was against Palestine and has been bombing their towns and killing a lot of women, children, and men.

b. From what I have heard, Israel is being kind of racist towards Palestine and basically started the war to ethnically cleanse Palestine. They have killed a lot of people and it is really sad to see all of those pictures of people holding children and other people who are dead or really badly hurt. 

c. Gaza is Palestines biggest city. Gaza is the biggest target for the israeli air strikes and bombings. They are the ones that are being effected the most by not being able to get aid trucks in or out and not having any sort of electricity or any other basic supplies like water, food, shelter, or even being able to see their other family members.

d. We can best serve the innocent civilians by helping the evacuate to a safe area or country in the mean time while the war is going on. We would set up temporary homes and give them food, water, beds, and electricity just in case if they wanted to contact loved ones. 

e. In my opinion, The US should get involved only for the innocent civilians. They should get in there and help them get out or at least get some supplies to them. Hospitals and other places are also running low of supplies so i think some supply runs to them is also helpful. They shouldn't get involved in the actual war, just help out the civilians and others to survive.

f. I don't really know anything about the wars but I do think that the Israeli-Palestine war is worse than the Ukrainian war. The Israeli-Palestine war is really bad because of the massive murders of many civilians from both sides of the war. It is affecting the innocent civilians in Palestine AND Israel and I think that is not okay. The Ukrainian war was bad too but not as bad as this war. In the Ukrainian war, people could actually get supplies to and from Ukraine and they could also seek refuge in other countries.